Pubdate: Wed, 14 Nov 2001
Source: Courier-Mail, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2001 News Limited
Author: Joel Dullroy


A DANGEROUS new drug cocktail is set to hit the Gold Coast ahead of 
Schoolies Week.

Crank, a potentially fatal mixture of cocaine and amphetamines or heroin, 
is expected to be on sale at Schoolies celebrations next week.

Teenagers are being warned to stay away from the drug, which has unknown 
side-effects and could prove fatal, especially when combined with alcohol.

Crank sells for between $50 and $100 for up to three hits and can be 
injected, snorted or smoked.

The cocktail is being sold in Brisbane, and will soon be on the Gold Coast 
as dealers prepare for the rush of schoolies.

Judith Hart from drug support agency Drug-Arm said the small percentage of 
schoolies looking to experiment with drugs should stay away from the 

``This particular new drug is of concern and we are warning schoolies who 
may be considering experimenting with new substances to steer clear,'' she 

``We don't know a lot about crank but we believe in certain circumstances 
it could be lethal, particularly when mixed with alcohol.''

A spokesman for the Brisbane support group Queensland Intravenous Aids 
Association said they had also noticed the arrival of crank on the local scene.

Amphetamines and cannabis are traditionally the major drugs used by 
schoolies, with a minority of users expected to use crank.

But alcohol abuse is still the number-one concern for support groups during 
the celebrations.

Sunshine Coast Schoolies organiser David Curd from Community Solutions said 
alcohol was a far greater concern.

``We're always on the lookout for new or different substances, but alcohol 
is always the greatest,'' Mr Curd said.

Both groups are preparing for a calm Schoolies Week, with previous years 
showing more responsible partying from students.

This week traditionally sees an influx of drugs to the Gold Coast in 
preparation for the celebrations, and crank is expected to be on offer.

But an extensive education program is hoped to stop experimentation.

``Teens want to party hard, but they want to remember the joy of the 
experience,'' Mrs Hart said.

``Through school-based pre-Schoolies information and services available, 
we're going to have a very positive Schoolies this year.''

Police have warned teens of accepting drinks from strangers, drinking 
excessively or taking drugs.

Sexual Crimes Investigation Unit Detective Inspector Anne Macdonald said 
participants put themselves in vulnerable positions by taking drugs or 
accepting drinks.

``Schoolies Festival 2001 may mean `fun, sun and sand' to most school 
leavers, but party time can turn to disaster in the blink of an eye,'' Insp 
Macdonald said.


Gold Coast

Accommodation: $230 (average cost per person for seven nights, sharing with 
four others).

Bond: $100 per person (refundable).

Activities: $25 entry to dance parties (four held), $45 Dreamworld entry, 
$20 entry to outdoor dance festival.

Transport: Free shuttle buses until 3am.

Extras: $150 food and drinks.

TOTAL: $645

Sunshine Coast

Accommodation: $230 (average cost per person for seven nights, sharing with 
four others).

Bond: $100 (refundable).

Activities: $30 pass for entry to four dance parties and events, $8 
nightclub entry (held on three nights).

Transport: $60 unlimited travel pass.

Extras: $150 food and drinks.

TOTAL: $594

North Stradbroke Island

Accommodation: $44 for seven-night camping pass.

Activities: $16 pass for discounts, under $100 for all scheduled activities.

Transport: $30 return fare for water taxi to island.

Extras: $150 food and drinks.

TOTAL: $340
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