Pubdate: Sun, 25 Nov 2001
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2001
Author: Temsak Traisophon


Inmate Denies Selling Pills From Within Jail

The Corrections Department chief yesterday raided Bangkok's Bang Khwang 
Central Prison after a methamphetamines suspect claimed an inmate was 
running his drug business from inside the maximum security jail.

Director-general Siva Saengmanee, accompanied by police and corrections 
officials, questioned the alleged dealer, Vachara Thaipat, who is serving a 
32-year jail term for murder, robbery and rape.

Drug suspect Sa-nga Rakchan _ arrested in Surat Thani on Thursday while 
allegedly in possession of 7,200 speed pills _ had implicated Vachara, 
claiming he ordered methamphetamines by calling the inmate on his mobile phone.

Yesterday's raid uncovered only a small amount of cash which was prohibited 
in the prison, Mr Siva said.

He said Vachara denied knowing anything about the drug allegations.

The department chief yesterday set up a panel to investigate the claims, 
with findings expected within 15 days.

Mr Siva said authorities had investigated the mobile phone number given to 
them by Mr Sa-nga but could not trace its owner.

"It is a pre-paid mobile phone and we can't trace the calls or 
conversations," he said.

However, Mr Siva said a bank account to which Mr Sa-nga claimed he had 
transferred 160,000 baht provided a second lead for investigators.

Mr Siva revealed that Vachara's imminent transfer to a Surat Thani prison 
was on hold following the allegation.

He said the department had previously checked a similar claim of a 
drug-dealing inmate at the Bangkok prison but had found the allegation was 
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