Pubdate: Wed, 19 Dec 2001
Source: Beacon Journal, The (OH)
Copyright: 2001 The Beacon Journal Publishing Co.
Author: Karen Gullo, Associated Press


Administration To Send Out More Agents To Work With Local Police, Community 
Groups To Fight Abuse

WASHINGTON -- The Drug Enforcement Administration will step up prevention 
and treatment programs by adding more agents to work with local police and 
community groups to fight drug abuse.

The agency will more than double the number of full-time special agents to 
set up long-term anti-drug programs with police, schools, churches and 
other agencies. The DEA currently has 22 "demand reduction" agents around 
the country.

"Agents are tired of dismantling an organization and a year later come back 
and see that they've moved in again or another organization has," said DEA 
chief Asa Hutchinson.

The agency will spend nearly $5 million over the next two years to add 
agents in the field.

Hutchinson stressed that pushing treatment and prevention programs would 
not diminish the DEA's core law enforcement mission of investigating and 
arresting drug dealers.

"There should not be any competition between the enforcement side and the 
demand reduction side," said Hutchinson.

The agents also will encourage communities to establish drug courts that 
allow nonviolent first-time offenders to receive treatment and counseling 
rather than jail time.

The initiative aims to expand the DEA's role in treatment and prevention 
programs and reflects Hutchinson's desire to emphasize rehabilitation.

The agency usually waits until after a drug bust to send in agents to work 
with local communities on drug treatment and prevention programs. Under the 
new program, "the DEA will combine the enforcement effort with a 
partnership alongside any existing community coalitions to have a 
long-lasting impact to reduce demand through drug prevention and treatment 
programs," according to a program description.
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