Pubdate: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 Source: Clarion-Ledger, The (MS) Copyright: 2001 The Clarion-Ledger Contact: Website: Details: Author: Redford Givens TO REDUCE CRIME, MAKE DRUGS LEGAL Regarding the Dec. 10 editorial ("Integrity: Police department needs direction," Dec. 10): During alcohol Prohibition Al Capone bragged that "Half the cops in Chicago are on my payroll," and over 15 percent of all Prohibition agents were fired or forced to resign every year because of official wrongdoing. During the last five years, police lawlessness throughout the United States has increased over 500 percent almost entirely because of drug dealing. The officers themselves admit they believe as much as 25 percent of the Jackson Police Department is on the take because of drug prohibition, so there can be no doubt about the counterproductive nature of drug prohibition. It's worth remembering that Eliot Ness and the revenuers never put the bootleggers out of business. Repeal and a regulated market for adult alcohol use did that. Regulation works for alcohol and regulation will work for drugs. Prohibition, on the other hand, has never worked for anything, anywhere, anytime. Redford Givens San Francisco - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart