Pubdate: Wed, 07 Feb 2001
Source: Arizona Republic (AZ)
Copyright: 2001 The Arizona Republic
Contact:  200 E. Van Buren St., Phoenix, AZ 85004
Author: Stephanie A. Miller
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Phoenix Suns forward Clifford Robinson admitted to Scottsdale police that 
he had smoked marijuana and had been drinking beer during the evening of 
his arrest.

According to a police report released Tuesday, Robinson said he'd had a 
couple of beers when a police officer smelled alcohol on the basketball 
star's breath and asked whether he had been drinking.

Robinson was pulled over early Monday after his 2001 Porsche was observed 
weaving between traffic lanes in the 6600 block of East Shea Boulevard.

Police recovered a green leafy substance that they believed to be marijuana 
from the car console. Robinson said, "Earlier, I smoked some weed," before 
police continued searching for drugs, the report says.

Police also found packages of rolling papers and aluminum foil containing 
more marijuana in a travel bag. Robinson said he had packed the bag himself 
but was not aware that marijuana was inside it when police questioned him.

When police questioned his last response, Robinson stated, "Well if it was 
in the bag, it's mine. I don't have a problem with that." Robinson told 
police that he also had a pipe in the car console.

Darryl Bell, the passenger in Robinson's car, took the car from the scene 
after Robinson's arrest. Police said that Bell did not appear to be 

Robinson, 34, was arrested on possession of marijuana and driving under the 
influence. He was released about three hours later.

Friday is the earliest that Robinson's blood test results could return, 
police said. If the test confirmed that Robinson did smoke marijuana, then 
a complaint would be filed.
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