Pubdate: Fri, 09 Feb 2001
Source: Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (AR)
Copyright: 2001 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc.
Contact:  121 East Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72201

BENTON -- Police have interviewed about a dozen sixth- and
seventh-graders suspected of dispensing prescription drugs this week
at Benton Middle School, Sgt. Jeff Besancon of the Police Department's
criminal investigation division said Thursday.

"There were two separate incidents," he said. One took place Monday
and Tuesday at the school and involved seven pupils, he said, and the
other occurred Wednesday and involved four pupils.

Besancon said officers were unable to recover any drugs in the first
case, but seized "four white pills" in the second. He said
investigators were trying to identify the drugs and planned to send
them to the state Criminal Laboratory for analysis.

"I think we're pretty much done" with the investigation, he said
Thursday afternoon. Besancon said officers have made no arrests. He
said the case will be presented to a juvenile court officer, who will
give it to the prosecuting attorney to determine if criminal charges
are filed. This article was published on Friday, February 9, 2001
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager