Pubdate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 Source: Log Cabin Democrat (AR) Copyright: The Log Cabin Democrat Contact: 1058 Front Street, Conway, Arkansas 72032 Fax: 501-327-6787 Feedback: Website: Author: Patrick A. Stewart, Catherine C. Reese DESIRED EFFECT UNREALIZED Andrew A. Green and Chuck Plunkett's recent news article, "In Arkansas, beer run likely to be a long trip," illustrates an obvious truth: County-based alcohol policy does not prevent alcohol consumption. Indeed, our analysis of alcohol policy shows that the wet-dry county distinction does not have the desired effect. Specifically, a statistical analysis of 1997 Arkansas county data concerning juvenile and adult alcohol and drug arrest rates, drunk driving arrests and alcohol/drug motor vehicle accident rates shows no significant difference between wet and dry counties. What does make a difference in these equations is the number of police per 1,000 citizens in a county. If there is one lesson to be learned from Green and Plunkett's article and our analysis, it is that prohibition policy in Arkansas has failed. Government policies concerning substance abuse are potentially more effective when dealing with underlying reasons for their abuse than with limiting supply. At best, those wishing to drink alcohol will drive over county borders or state lines to obtain it; at worst, Arkansans will turn to criminal activities or illegal drugs. PATRICK A. STEWART, CATHERINE C. REESE Jonesboro Editor's note: Patrick A. Stewart, Ph.D., and Catherine C. Reese, DPA, are members of the Arkansas State University Political Science Department. They were assisted in this project by graduate student Jeremy Brewer. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens