Pubdate: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 Source: Hull Daily Mail (UK) Copyright: 2001 Northcliffe Newspapers Group Ltd Contact: PO Box 34, Hull HU3 1XS Website: Author: Carl Wagner Note: Headline by newshawk. GET THE DEALERS POLICY UNSOUND Sir Tony Blairs' not-so-new 'get the dealers' drug policy seems to suggest that three men flogging a dead horse will succeed where one has failed. It has been made clear that present prohibition policy has been a counter-productive and expensive failure. This is supported by Home Office research and statistical information and again calls into question the ability of the politicians to tackle an issue which they so obviously have little knowledge or understanding. Mans appetite cannot be curbed through legislation and current drug policies cause far more problems than illegal drugs ever could. As Hull has one of the worst drug/crime rates in the UK, I look forward to hearing the views of local politicians with regard to this massive social issue. Carl Wagner Legalise Cannabis Alliance PPC Hull North - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk