Pubdate: Tue, 27 Feb 2001
Source: Otago Daily Times (New Zealand)
Copyright: Allied Press Limited, 2001
Contact:  P.O. Box 181, 52-66 Lower Stuart Street, Dunedin, New Zealand
Author: J. Kearney
Note: Headline supplied by newshawk


YOU IMPLY IN your editorial, "Setting the standards ( ODT , 26.1.01), that 
those in favour of cannabis law reform are cowards. Yet, surely, it takes 
great courage to challenge the entrenched dogma of the establishment. 
Indeed, many people who are privately pro-cannabis are too fearful to be so 
in public. Therefore it is significant that the Minister of Youth Affairs, 
Laila Harre, has expressed support for the legalisation of cannabis use by 
adults, despite the opprobrious response she subsequently received.

You also state that many teenagers and children "indulge" in cannabis, a 
view shared collectively by the teaching profession which gives the 
impression that cannabis use is rife within our schools. I attend high 
school and have yet to see anyone fall asleep in class, smoke a joint or be 
obviously "out-of-it".

J. Kearney, Dalmore

[Abridged. - Ed.]
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