Pubdate: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 Source: Daily Telegraph (Australia) Copyright: 2001 News Limited Contact: 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010 Fax: (02) 9288-2300 Website: Author: Tony Trimingham Note: Headline supplied by newshawk SUPPLY REDUCTION MIXED NEWS The heroin issue in Australia is most complex, yet nevertheless continues to draw simplistic comments from people who are not always aware of the complexities. Piers Akerman's response to the current heroin drought is a classic case in point. All parents would like to see heroin problems eradicated -- me included. The current shortage has positives in possibly saving some people taking up the habit and forcing some people into detox or other treatment. Some of these will remain drug-free or stay on alternatives such as methadone. But on the debit side of this drought we have up to 95,000 dependent and up to 350,000 casual heroin users. Not all will rush for detox facilities -- many are now using a variety of other substances such as cocaine and speed. These combinations cause more problems in relationships, families and on the streets -- more aggression, violence, crime and volatility. The heroin that is available is low in purity and high in price. Many of those hammering on the doors of detoxes, methadone clinics and so on are finding long waiting lists or no vacancies. When supply returns, low tolerance will increase the risk of overdose death. This is why supply reduction is a mixture of good and bad news -- and is also why we need a balance of demand and harm reduction along with supply reduction. Mr Akerman's comments about "indulgent parents" are repulsive to the thousands of heartbroken people who have or who still struggle with this complex problem. Tony Trimingham, Family Drug Support, Willoughby - --- MAP posted-by: GD