Pubdate: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 Source: SF Weekly (CA) Copyright: 2001 New Times Inc Contact: 185 Berry, Lobby 4, Suite 3800, San Francisco, CA 94107 Feedback: Website: Author: Chuck Dalehouse Referenced: Bookmark: (Cannabis) WEED KILLERS Duuuuuuude, your article and viewpoint are so lame. In the sentence "Like other practitioners of the Politics of Base Urges -- gun nuts, death penalty advocates, etc.," you forgot the category to which you belong: journalists who try to sway others with absurdly misguided views. You are clearly trying to place pot smokers in the same category as violent, gun-wielding thugs (witness your Rambo illustration, bursting from a jungle of hemp, or the statement "armed-and-dangerous marijuana entrepreneurs"). Trying to scare readers into thinking that those who inhale the "acrid smoke" of ganja are destined to commit violent acts on society is stupid. Unless you are extremely ignorant, you may have noticed that people under the influence of marijuana are the most mellow, laid-back, and nonviolent folks you can find. Have you ever considered demonizing the real drug that leads to the overwhelming number of roadway fatalities, violent crimes, and date rape? Perchance you have heard of this harmful but perfectly legal substance known as ... alcohol. If what you say about Kamena acting as a fair official, allowing legitimate patients to possess medical marijuana, is true, then I agree she should not be recalled. However, to make your argument, you portray those who use ganja as stupid, lowlife losers bent on ruining society with lies and violence. The technique you use is a common trait with weak journalism. You have to resort to sensational exaggerations to make a point, instead of using facts, logic, and good writing skills to convince readers. Chuck Dalehouse, Ingleside - --- MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager