Pubdate: Sat, 03 Mar 2001
Source: Associated Press
Copyright: 2001 Associated Press
Author: Barry Massey, Associated Press Writer


Nearly four in five New Mexicans support Gov. Gary Johnson's proposal to 
legalize the medical use of marijuana, according to a poll released 
Saturday by a group backing drug law changes.

The poll also found generally broad support across the political spectrum 
for Johnson's other proposals to revamp the state's drug laws, including 
the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Sen. Cisco McSorley, D-Albuquerque, said the poll showed "the people are 
ahead of the politicians" in favoring an overhaul of drug policies.

The poll was commissioned by the Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation, 
a research group and key supporter of Johnson's efforts to change drug laws.

Rep. Joe Thompson, R-Albuquerque, said the poll would help in lobbying the 
Legislature to vote for the medical marijuana bill and other measures to 
change sentencing laws for drug offenses.

"For us it's so hard because we're up here and politics plays such a big 
role in it. This is good information from my perspective because it shows 
that the people are looking at things in a much more rational fashion," 
said Thompson, who is sponsoring a medical marijuana measure.

The poll found:

- -78 percent of those surveyed either strongly supported or somewhat 
supported the use of marijuana for medical purposes for seriously ill or 
terminal patients, such as those suffering from cancer or AIDS. Sixteen 
percent were in opposition; 7 percent were undecided or wouldn't respond. 
The totals exceed 100 percent because of rounding.

- -65 percent of those surveyed either strongly supported or somewhat 
supported making the possession of less than one ounce of marijuana a civil 
offense - punishable like a speeding ticket, rather than treating it as a 
crime for which people could be jailed. Twenty-nine percent strongly or 
somewhat opposed the decriminalization proposal; 6 percent didn't have an 
opinion or wouldn't say.

- -63 percent strongly or somewhat supported a change in state law to make 
first and second convictions for possessions small amounts of drugs such as 
heroin and cocaine a misdemeanor rather than a felony, and require 
substance abuse treatment. Thirty-two percent opposed the sentencing 
proposal by Johnson; 5 percent were undecided.

- -61 percent said current drug policies, or the so-called war on drugs, have 
been ineffective in reducing drug use in New Mexico. Thirty-three percent 
said the drug policies were somewhat or every effective; 7 percent were 

- -65 percent said more emphasis should be placed on treating drug users 
medically and increasing drug prevention programs. Fifteen percent wanted 
an emphasis on punishment and sending drug users to prison. Seven percent 
said there should be an emphasis on both approaches. Thirteen percent were 
undecided or said their view depended on other factors.

Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents supported marijuana 
decriminalization and the drug sentencing revisions, according to the poll.

"It shows the public, in general, and a great majority of them are looking 
at reasonable solutions to what is really a problem in this state," said 
Rep. W. Ken Martinez, D-Grants, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, 
which is expected to consider several drug-related measures next week.

A medical marijuana proposal is awaiting debate and a vote in the Senate.

The poll was conducted by Research & Polling Inc., an Albuquerque company 
experienced in polling in New Mexico. The survey of 504 registered voters, 
which was conducted last month, had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 
percentage points.
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