Pubdate: Fri, 09 Mar 2001
Source: The Estes Park Trail-Gazette (CO)
Copyright: 2001 The Estes Park Trail-Gazette
Contact:  P.O. Box 1707 Estes Park, CO 80517
Fax: (970) 586-9532
Author: Michael J. van Deutekom


To the Editor,

I read with much interest Mr. Jay Gentile's opinion, (printed in the
Friday Feb. 23, 2001 edition of the Trail-Gazette) regarding the
recent search for drugs at the local high school.

As the leader of the Estes Park Police Department Selective
Enforcement Unit, which has focused on illegal narcotics, I have a
different opinion. I feel it is a mixed message that Mr. Gentile is
sending to our community. In one paragraph he writes, "weire losing
the war on drugs," and that he knows "kids shouldnit bring dope in
school." He also acknowledges the recent death of a Boulder juvenile.
He makes an illogical assumption that due to enforcement efforts,
children will actually be encouraged to try drugs!

I believe that enforcement is a last step in combating the drug
epidemic in this country. I also believe that education and treatment
are key elements in this fight. The primary function of government is
the protection of its citizens. This is why we have narcotics laws on
the books. We can certainly decide as a nation to legalize the use of
certain or of all narcotics. However, we have all seen the
consequences of addiction. Additionally taxpayers and consumers
ultimately foot the bill for illegal narcotics usage, as many addicts
are indigent.

To effectively control illegal drugs, our community must be united in
our approach. All of our community entities must also stand united to
protect our most precious of resources, our children. We cannot lose
any more children to illegal narcotics, as they are doomed to a life
of a lessor quality, possible addiction, and yes Mr. Gentile,
occasionally death. I have seen children die in our beautiful
community due to drug usage. I will personally persevere in the hope
that I will never see another child die uselessly in our community.

Lieutenant Michael J. van Deutekom, Estes Park Police Department
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe