Pubdate: Sat, 17 Mar 2001
Source: New York Times (NY)
Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company
Contact:  229 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036
Fax: (212) 556-3622
Author: Juan Forero


LLORENTE, Colombia, March 12 -- This isolated town used to be as sedate and 
dirt poor as all the rest.

Then came coca and its byproducts, discos and prostitutes, pool halls and 
cantinas, cheap hotels and the businesses that cater to newcomers, stores 
with wood planks, tin sheeting and other materials for flimsy but 
serviceable housing.

The change began more than a year ago, local government officials and 
residents say, but accelerated with a huge American-backed campaign to 
destroy coca fields in adjacent Putumayo Province. The effort, the 
officials said, displaced coca growers and their crops, sending them to the 
jungles here in Narino Province. It is a familiar pattern. Coca came to 
Colombia because of success in eliminating it in Bolivia and Peru, without 
aerial spraying.

"What the fumigation did was to transfer the phenomenon from Putumayo to 
Narino," said Gov. Parmenio Cuellar of Narino. "And if they fumigate 
Narino, the problem will go to another place."

Nowhere are the effects more visible than in this town on Highway 10, once 
a sleepy community of poor farmers that is luring hundreds of former 
Putumayo farmers, coca-laboratory workers and others drawn by the coca trade.

"They call this Little Putumayo, and they say people who are coming here 
are leaving Putumayo because of the fumigation," said the Rev. Domingo 
Moreno, a Roman Catholic priest who works in Llorente. "The people, more 
and more, are lured by coca, tempted by the magic leaf. Not only are they 
starting to plant coca, but they're also leaving behind the other plants 
they grew, plantation bananas and cacao."

Critics of aerial defoliation say the expansion of coca in Narino and 
elsewhere bore out a central warning about the plan to destroy coca in 
Putumayo: that eradication in one region causes coca to move to others.

"The argument I've always made is that the fumigation will not, in any way, 
do away with the coca fields," said Carlos Palacios, an expert on the coca 
trade and the human development secretary in the town of Valle del Guamues 
in Putumayo. "What fumigation does is that it causes the fields to simply 
transfer to other places."

Opposition to spraying is so strong in southern Colombia that mayors, 
church officials and others have been pushing President Andres Pastrana's 
government and the United States to stop the spraying. Mr. Cuellar and 
three other governors visited Washington this week to criticize the program 
and to lobby for aid to improve agriculture.

American officials counter that the size of the Narino crop, with fewer 
than 15,000 acres under cultivation, is manageable compared with the 
250,000 acres that existed in the coca-growing heartland of Putumayo and 
Caqueta Provinces before large-scale spraying began in late December. The 
Americans also note that the movement of people and planting of coca in 
Narino began long before the spraying in Putumayo.

The Americans say the defoliation effort, called Plan Colombia, with its 
reliance on crop dusters, military helicopters and battalions of Colombian 
antinarcotics troops, is intended to contain the spread of coca. The plan 
is "intended to apply pressure in more places simultaneously than 
previously possible," said Jim Mack, deputy assistant secretary of state 
for international narcotics and law enforcement.

But the officials, and their Colombian counterparts, are worried.

"We're concerned about Narino," an official at the American Embassy said. 
"Right now, there's a lot more coca there, in Narino, so much so that in 
fact it's going to be one of our next priorities."

Mr. Cuellar said the migration into the province began before the spraying 
in Putumayo, as farmers and others in the coca trade became convinced that 
a broad plan to wipe out coca was going to become a reality. But he said 
the movement of people grew significantly in late September, when the 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia closed roads throughout Putumayo to 
prove that it was in control, strangling the coca trade in the process.

On Dec. 19, Plan Colombia, with a goal of halving the estimated 336,000 
acres of coca in five years, began. Financed with a $1.1 billion American 
aid package, the operation denuded 75,000 acres of coca in Putumayo in two 
months. Those whose farms became instantly worthless quickly packed up and 
left for Narino.

Provincial officials and workers from the central government's social 
service agency, Solidarity, said the displacement of people from Putumayo 
had stretched resources in Narino. Shantytowns have sprouted on the 
outskirts of Pasto, the capital. Crime has increased.

An estimated 10,000 people have fled Putumayo since September, with 1,600 
settling in neighboring Ecuador, according to the director of Solidarity, 
Fernando Medellin. An additional 8,400 dispersed into Narino, Cauca and 
Huila Provinces, with most settling in this province, Mr. Medellin said. In 
Pasto, nearly 900 arrived in February, and about 40 new families arrive 
every week.

Alonso Matta, 36, who arrived two weeks ago in Pasto, said spraying his 
four-acre farm "got everything, my plantains, my coca, all of it."

"There are a lot of people who are leaving for that reason," Mr. Matta 
said. "They're going to go where they find work, where they can find some 

In many cases, experts said, the migrants are going to where they can again 
grow coca. Other provinces like Amazonas, which is large, isolated and 
laced with rivers that allow the easy movement of contraband, may also have 
new coca fields, American officials said. Guaviare Province, which had 
large tracts of coca sprayed in 1999 and last year, has shown signs of a 

Last month, the army said that it had found thousands of acres of coca on 
the border of Guiania and Vichada Provinces in the southeast. In the north, 
particularly in Santander Province, coca is also flourishing under the 
watchful paramilitary groups.

American and Colombian officials who defend the eradication have noted that 
coca farmers with small-scale farms could voluntarily stop their coca in 
exchange for a benefits package. Many of those who fled Putumayo for Narino 
came from a region where farmers declined to sign pacts with the government 
to destroy their crops voluntarily. Ana Teresa Bernal, director of Redepaz, 
which works with the displaced, said 65 percent of those who fled worked in 
coca fields.

Llorente was in many ways the perfect place to relocate coca and coca labs, 
a locale that Mr. Cuellar calls "the door to the vast territories where 
narcotraffic is creating extensive coca fields."

Traffickers can take advantage of many rivers to move in the processing 
chemicals and move out the finished product. Narino's long unguarded 
Pacific Coast is an ideal jumping-off point for northbound cocaine.

And public security is nonexistent in the 100-mile stretch between Tumaco 
on the Pacific and Ricaurte, where the Andes rise dramatically, said Col. 
Jorge Valencia, the police commander in Pasto. Indeed, some newcomers here 
said they were well aware of the slight presence of security forces.

"Here, everyone works in everything that has to do with coca," said a 
recent arrival from Putumayo who used to work in coca labs. "There are 
farms and labs and transportation, all of that. I'm looking for work in the 

Others seek work in new businesses or those that are booming because of the 
influx of cash.

"We've been seeing a lot more business," said Pilar Benavides, 18, who was 
born in Putumayo and who was running a pool hall while her parents picked 
coca. "They come to play pool, have some beers. The tables are always full 
on weekends, all the time. Here, any business will work. If you sell some 
corncakes on the street, you'll make money."

Jose Laborda, a vendor from Putumayo, said he left after spraying had dried 
up most businesses, including his. He quickly found a job as administrator 
of the Hotel Familiar.

"I see friends here and there and I ask them why they came," Mr. Laborda 
said. "They all say the same thing. The reason is economic."

Others, like Alberto Tapias, moved to Llorente to escape the violence in 
Putumayo. Mr. Tapias, a former coca grower who moved with his wife and 
three children, has given up coca for now. He works in a palm field.

"We're poorly paid, have little to eat, live badly, but we're better off," 
said Mr. Tapias, who is renting a newly built house in a crowded 
neighborhood filled with flimsy structures.

There are signs of change. Murders and other violent acts are increasing, 
officials said. Leftist rebels and their archenemies, the paramilitary 
groups, are more visible than before.

"There's a lot of concern," Father Moreno said. "I've said this is a time 
bomb. We don't know when it's going to go off. But it will."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom