Pubdate: Fri, 16 Mar 2001
Source: Times-News, The (ID)
Copyright: 2001 Magic Valley Newspapers
Contact:  P.O. Box 548, Twin Falls, ID 83303
Fax: (208) 734-553
Author: Xenia Williams


Now that the reports are in on the Eden incident, you can clearly see that
the delays were not in Jerome County or the Jerome sheriff's office. To be
fair, remember the reports were made by the Idaho State Police, the attorney
general and the Jerome prosecuting attorney. And they stated that no charges
were to be filed. You must live with that report. You haven't treated the
Jerome sheriff's office fairly in your reporting. You did not report facts
but gossip and innuendo. Remember that Weaver was re-elected last year and
does a good job.

Also, I, for one, do not want to see any more editorials slanted toward
going easy on drug users. Drug use is ruining the lives of too many of our
young people (their brains are "fried"). There are laws against drugs, and
your paper should not be against those who are obeying the law in fighting
drugs of any kind. Is your work place "drug free"? The local McDonald's, the
Jerome city workforce and the Jerome County workforce are drug free.

XENIA WILLIAMS Jerome (Editor's note: The Times-News is a drug-free work
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