Pubdate: Sun, 18 Mar 2001
Source: Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO)
Copyright: 2001 Denver Publishing Co.
Contact:  400 W. Colfax, Denver, CO 80204
Author: Robert Kregar


I am writing in response to a letter by Kris Burton ("Use of Ecstasy at 
parties undeniable, but for one raver, it's all a PLUR," March 4). The 
point of the letter was "to blame kids dying of Ecstasy use, not the rave."

The acronym PLUR, was used to describe raves: Peace, Love, Unity and 
Respect. This is far, far from the truth.

You do not attend a rave to find respect. Peace is hard to find when you 
have music blasting in your ears. And love? No, you lust.

Raves are just a symbol of ignorant teens and are an endorsement of drugs, 
alcohol, sex and violence.

We as humans are driven by incredible social desires. To fit in is a 
stronger pull than to do what's right. If the norm is Ecstasy use at a 
rave, then even the brightest of us might fail to recognize danger.

All in all, don't blame Ecstasy use for teens who die. Blame the rave.

Robert Kregar, Aurora
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