Pubdate: Thu, 22 Mar 2001
Source: Commercial Appeal (TN)
Copyright: 2001 The Commercial Appeal
Contact:  Box 334, Memphis, TN 38101
Fax: (901)529-6445
Author: Jody Callahan


Christian Brothers High School has expelled its first student for twice 
failing drug tests.

The senior was one of 13 students who tested positive for marijuana use 
last fall.

He was tested again recently, and when the second positive result for 
marijuana was returned while the school was on spring break last week, the 
boy was expelled Monday, school officials said.

"We met with the student, and then called the parents," CBHS principal 
Brother Chris Englert said Wednesday afternoon. "We were very clear. We 
enforced our policy."

Under the CBHS policy, any student who tests positive will have to 
participate in a conference with his parents and school officials, in which 
counseling and other issues are discussed.

Then, about 100 days later, the student will be tested again. If the second 
test is positive, the student will be expelled.

Using a hair from the student's head, the test scans for marijuana, 
cocaine, heroin, PCP, methamphetamines and ecstasy. It does not test for 

CBHS began testing its entire student body for drugs last fall, becoming 
the first school in the Memphis area to institute such a policy.

Brother Chris said he'd hoped the situation wouldn't escalate to an expulsion.

"I was hoping it wouldn't get this far. I didn't know what to expect," he said.

Efforts to talk to the student and his family were unsuccessful.
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