Pubdate: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 Source: Duncan News Leader (CN BC) Copyright: 2001 Duncan News Leader Contact: Details: Author: Steven Addison ...AND HE'S SMOKING HIS STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN James Dure, the man who claims using drugs is his religious right, was back in court Thursday. The appearance is the latest in a number of drug-related charges the man has faced since he started smoking pot 30 years ago. "It is my religion to use these things. It's a form of ritual intoxication," he said after court. "I'm saying people should be allowed to do them because the Charter of Rights allows us our religious freedoms." Dure was charged with possession of marijuana after he was stopped in a routine Counter Attack road check on Government Street last August. During Thursday's testimony, which was given during a voire dire, defence lawyer Peter Durovich challengeed the legality of the police search that uncovered the pot, but he did not mention his client's religious beliefs. Judge Anthony Palmer will rule May 18 if the marijuana can be used as evidence. Dure, a member of the Vancouver Island Compassion Club, uses marijuana and magic mushrooms to ease the pain of a medical condition, as well as for his religious convictions. "I feel both are legitimate uses for marijuana," he said, adding the Bible is proof Jesus Christ and Moses used drugs. "It opens up a person's soul," he said. "It just, for me, opens up my mind to consider things I haven't considered before - that improves my perception of God." "The dead sea scrolls tell us Jesus used the word mushroom many times. Marijuana was also used by Christ and by the prophets." Jack Farr, a pastor with Duncan's New Life Baptist Church, said he's heard similar statements, but discounts the claims. "I think it would be very difficult for anyone to even prove that kind of statement," he said. "There's an old saying that with a pair of scissors and glue you can make the scriptures say anything you want them to say." - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D