Pubdate: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Copyright: 2001 The Vancouver Sun Contact: 200 Granville Street, Ste.#1, Vancouver BC V6C 3N3 Fax: (604) 605-2323 Website: Author: Barry Carvish Referenced: Bookmark: (Canadian Marijuana Party) POLICE OFF THE MARK ON POT I take offence that Constable Colleen Yee of the RCMP drug awareness unit believes the Marijuana party is being irresponsible for spreading its view that people who enjoy cannabis should not be punished with criminal charges (Pot party plans to run in all ridings, March 24). I am not a member of the party, but I am glad that its exists as a voice that will defend my rights and freedoms as a marijuana user. The real issue is not the effects of this plant. The issue is my right as a free individual to choose cannabis as a viable alternative to drinking and other substances. Because I enjoy cannabis, I risk being invaded by armed police forces trashing my home and criminalizing my private actions. In a free and just society, these actions cannot be condoned. They are a direct violation of my basic human rights. No one has the right to dictate to me with which plants I may or may not interact. The Marijuana party exists to stand up for these rights and to raise awareness and counter the mass of propaganda that supposedly justifies cannabis prohibition. Our youth will grow up in a better world when vast amounts of police resources are directed toward fighting real crimes, and not criminalizing private behaviours of consenting adults. Our youth should know that there is a difference between cannabis and crack cocaine. Lumping them into one category causes far more misinformation and harm. Barry Carvish Victoria - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake