Pubdate: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 Source: New York Times (NY) Copyright: 2001 The New York Times Company Contact: Details: STRAWBERRY SOUGHT FOR ARREST TAMPA, Fla., March 30 — An arrest warrant for Darryl Strawberry was issued today after he left the drug treatment center where he had been serving two years' house arrest. Strawberry, 39, the troubled former Mets and Yankees slugger, disappeared after leaving a drug treatment session on Thursday night, said Joe Papy, head of the Florida Department of Corrections' regional office. Papy said Hillsborough County Sheriff's deputies and a fugitive apprehension team have been been unable to locate him. The Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office sought the warrant. Strawberry has been out of jail since November, when he was fitted with an electronic monitor to alert officials if he was to leave the treatment center, where he has been living under house arrest. Papy said Strawberry, who is battling cancer along with his drug addiction, had been doing well. "All of his drug screens were clear," Papy said. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart