Pubdate: Sat, 07 Apr 2001
Source: Washington Post (DC)
Copyright: 2001 The Washington Post Company
Author: Scott Wilson, Washington Post Foreign Service


Fox Offers Help In Talks With Rebels

BARRANCABERMEJA, Colombia, April 6 -- Leaders of the Western Hemisphere's 
two largest illegal drug exporting countries, Colombia and Mexico, agreed 
today to join forces against a multibillion-dollar drug industry that has 
brought violence and corruption to both nations.

The visiting Mexican president, Vicente Fox, also pledged to take a more 
active role on behalf of President Andres Pastrana's government in peace 
talks with Colombia's largest rebel army, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of 
Colombia (FARC).

Unlike his predecessors, who allowed the guerrilla army to open offices in 
Mexico, Fox declared that authorization for the FARC to continue its 
presence in Mexico will depend on its commitment to the peace negotiations.

"We have put ourselves at the disposal of President Pastrana and Colombia 
to do all we can, when called on, in favor of peace," said Fox, who 
recently allowed Mexico's far smaller rebel insurgency to conduct a 
nationwide goodwill tour. "After all, in Mexico we are in the same place: 
Looking for peace and looking for a way that all families can live in peace."

While mostly symbolic, Fox's unabashed support for Pastrana comes at an 
important moment for the Colombian president, whose efforts to secure a 
peace agreement after four decades of civil war have yet to yield results.

Fox's highly public agenda today in the capital, Bogota, also seemed to 
underscore his stated goal of establishing Mexico as an influential player 
in Latin American political and commercial life.

Fox, whose conservative candidacy last year ended the 71-year reign of the 
Institutional Revolutionary Party in Mexico, is scheduled to travel with 
Pastrana to Venezuela on Saturday to visit President Hugo Chavez. The goal 
is to rejuvenate the largely moribund Group of Three, made up of the 
largest oil-exporting countries in Latin America, with an eye toward 
creating a more coordinated economic agenda.

Fox has long supported the peace efforts deployed by Pastrana, who was 
elected in 1998 on a pledge to bring peace to Colombia.

But today was the first time he made public his warning to the FARC.

"The message for the FARC is clear: Sit down to negotiate and work for 
peace. If not, you are not going to have good standing nor the attention of 
Mexico," Fox said in an interview published today in Bogota's El Tiempo 
newspaper. "We don't want to be with anybody who is not on the road to peace."

Perhaps the most tangible result of Fox's visit involved a pledge to 
cooperate against drug trafficking.

In recent months, evidence has emerged that the FARC, which helps fund its 
18,000-member army by taxing the domestic drug market, is trying to enter 
the more lucrative exporting business.

Colombian news reports have described contacts between FARC leaders and 
members of Mexico's most powerful exporting cartel, based in Tijuana. 
Colombia accounts for roughly 90 percent of the world's cocaine supply, 
most of it passing through Mexico on its way to the United States.

Pastrana and Fox agreed today to establish a task force made up of each 
country's defense minister, public security minister, attorney general and 
other top law enforcement and justice officials.

The first meeting of the group, charged with coordinating efforts to stop 
the export of cocaine and the chemicals used to make it, is scheduled for 
next month in Mexico City.
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