Pubdate: Wed, 11 Apr 2001
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2001, The Tribune Co.
Author:  Gary Sprott


TAMPA -- A Hearing Is Set For Today In Darryl Strawberry's Criminal 
Case, But He Isn't Expected To Appear

As Darryl Strawberry awaits word on whether he will be sent to prison 
for his latest drug troubles, his wife announced Tuesday that she 
will lead a new support group for addicts and alcoholics.

``I know how it feels to have someone addicted to drugs,'' Charisse 
Strawberry said during a news conference. ``It's a family disease. 
I've been affected by it and I want to help others.

``My story is really not very different from hundreds of thousands of 
similar stories all across the country.''

She will serve as president of the Tampa affiliate of the National 
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. For the past three years 
she has been a national spokeswoman for the nonprofit organization, 
which provides education and referrals but not treatment.

``There is help available for family and friends of alcoholics and 
addicts,'' she said. ``The stigma on alcoholism and addiction, 
unfortunately, makes [people] want to keep it a secret.''

Strawberry said the past two weeks have been painful for her and her 
three young children. Darryl Strawberry, a former New York Yankees 
outfielder, disappeared from a residential drug treatment center late 
last month.

The eight-time all-star is serving two years of community control and 
one year of probation stemming from his 1999 arrest for drug 
possession and soliciting a prostitute.

After vanishing March 29 and allegedly telling friends he had been 
kidnapped and was being held for ransom, Strawberry reappeared four 
days later at St. Joseph's Hospital. He remained there Tuesday and is 
being treated for depression.

Strawberry, 39, tested positive for cocaine upon his arrival at the 
hospital, probation records say.

He was arrested at the hospital and is under 24-hour guard. 
Prosecutors want him sent to prison for repeated probation 
violations. He could face up to five years.

A hearing is scheduled for today in Strawberry's case, but he isn't 
expected to attend.

Charisse Strawberry, who brought the couple's 9-month-old daughter, 
Jewel, to the news conference at a local hotel, said prison isn't the 

``Please understand that Darryl isn't a bad person trying to be 
good,'' she said. ``He's a sick person trying to get well.''

But she acknowledged past frustrations with her husband.

``A lot of times I used to say, `Why can't he just stop?' '

Her view has changed: ``This is a disease; it's not a moral issue.''

Darryl Strawberry had been undergoing chemotherapy for colon cancer. 
Charisse Strawberry said tests in February showed no cancer.

Tuesday's announcement ``has been in the planning a long time,'' she 
added, and wasn't a response to her husband's most recent problems.

She said the affiliate hopes to offer family forums, workshops and 
children's programs.

``I don't want other kids to go through what my kids have gone through.''

To contact the council, call (813) 769-3708 or write to 16017 N. 
Florida Ave., Tampa FL 33697.
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe