Pubdate: Sat, 21 Apr 2001
Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Copyright: 2001 The Sydney Morning Herald
Author: Darren Goodsir


A three-year Internal Affairs drugs prosecution has collapsed with police 
withdrawing tainted evidence obtained in the largest-ever sting operation 
targeting corruption.

Richard Gordon Tyler had charges of supplying and possessing one kilogram 
of cannabis dropped on Thursday after Inspector Tony Trichter offered no 
evidence on behalf of the police.

Mr Tyler's solicitor, Mr John Bettens, was awarded costs totalling $26,000 
by the magistrate, Ms Christine Haskett, and police did not contest his 
argument. It is now possible Mr Tyler will sue the Police Commissioner, Mr 
Peter Ryan, for the trauma caused by his charging.

The Police Integrity Commission is also monitoring the case.

The unravelling of the Tyler case, first revealed in the Heraldlast month, 
has led to other Internal Affairs prosecutions being urgently reviewed..

Mr Tyler was arrested in June 1998 in Young, in south-western NSW, as a 
result of information obtained in an anti-corruption raid, Operation Banks.

Two police officers, including Detective Sergeant Terrence Fraser, were 

Late last year, following a 30-month Internal Affairs investigation 
involving at one stage more than 80 officers, Sergeant Fraser was cleared 
of corruption and his suspension lifted.

But he complained there were irregularities in an integrity test in the 
days before his suspension.

The subsequent inquiry uncovered serious deficiencies in Internal Affairs - 
and that an officer may have lied in supplying false and misleading 
material to Justices Hubert Bell and Graham Barr to get the listening devices.

Mr Tyler's part-heard trial, which included evidence from 15 witnesses in a 
case spanning more than a year, was then adjourned.

Because police offered no evidence on Thursday against Mr Tyler, Mr Bettens 
has effectively been barred from getting documents police earlier showed 
him that led to the case unravelling.
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