Pubdate: Mon, 16 Apr 2001
Source: Rebel Yell (NV)
Copyright: 2001 Rebel Yell
Author: David Himmel, UNLV Rebel Yell


Legendary Rhythm and Blues guitarist Bo Diddley shared his experiences in 
the recording industry with UNLV History of Rock 'n Roll students in a 
packed auditorium Friday.

"I have to pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished," he said. 
"All that scratching you hear those cats doing today, I started."

Diddley said he thinks the recording industry has fallen downhill. He said 
it is not right for "druggies" to record music to buy more drugs.

Producers do not realize the extent to which x-rated rap lyrics negatively 
affect children, Diddley said.

"What I see is bad news. We accept it … it's not cute, it's not funny," he 
said. "Not just because I couldn't do it - it's decency."

Diddley, who had most of his hits in the 1950s and 1960s, is a pioneer of 
the electric guitar and has influenced numerous musicians, such as Elvis 
Presley, the Clash, Run DMC and the Doors, with his "Bo Diddley Style."
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D