Pubdate: Sun, 22 Apr 2001
Source: Kamloops This Week (CN BC)
Copyright: 2001 Kamloops This Week
Author: Dave Dormer


Julian Gushulak is jumping into the provincial election with both feet.

"I did a lot of soul searching before I decided to run," says the B.C. 
Marijuana Party candidate for the Kamloops constituency. "I know what I'm 
getting into and I'm ready for it."

Following an accident while working in the gravel-hauling industry, the 
47-year-old from  Fort Francis, Ont. came to Kamloops three years ago with 
his wife and her 17-year-old son.

"I fell off the cab of my truck and crushed a vertebrae and some discs. I 
haven't been able to work since."

The move to Kamloops was a return of sorts as Gushulak lived in the area 
during the late '60s and early '70s.

This election marks Gushulak's first foray into the political arena. He 
has, however, been advocating the use of marijuana for the past 30 years.

So strong are his convictions, Gushulak has served several terms in Ontario 
jails for pot possession and possession for the purpose of trafficking.

"It's something I firmly believe in ... people's right to choose. I don't 
tell anyone they should or shouldn't but they should have the choice."

Gushulak admits he uses marijuana for "medicinal purposes."

"I smoke it whenever I can to help with chronic pain. It's like when you 
ask someone if they drink. Just because they say yes doesn't mean they are 
an alcoholic.

"I use it sensibly. I don't smoke first thing in the morning or last thing 
at night."

Along with advocating the use of marijuana, he says environmental issues 
will be high on his agenda during the campaign.

"I haven't had a lot of time to put my platform together but there are some 
things we need to do to protect the environment. Look at water, it's 
something we need but right now we don't have it. The longer we put off 
dealing with water the more it's going to cost us."


* Because of his injuries, Gushulak says he has not had an opportunity for 
community involvement.


* Last CD bought: Rolling Stones.

* Dream Car: Cadillac.

* Spare Time: Anything in the outdoors, hiking, fishing and spending time 
with his  family.

* If he was trapped on a desert island, what three things would he take: 
food, water and his wife.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens