Pubdate: Mon, 30 Apr 2001
Source: Northwest Florida Daily News (FL)
Copyright: 2001 Northwest Florida Daily News
Author: Robert Maheu


It is obvious that your editor's departure has not changed your editorial 
policy, which supports ending the "war on drugs." If only it were that easy!

I presume you believe that what people do in the privacy of their own homes 
should be their own business if it doesn't affect others. Fair enough, but 
drug abuse does affect others.

In today's society, we seem to be responsible for everybody's actions but 
our own. We pay taxes to provide welfare for those who won't or can't work 
because of drug use. We pay for medical treatment caused by drug-induced 
accidents, and we pay to support the neglected or abused children of drug 

I may be old-fashioned, but I would rather fight the war on drugs than have 
society overrun with druggies. They know there is a price to be paid for 
illegal drug use. Hold them responsible and make them pay it. That goes 
more than double for drug pushers. It's bad enough that alcohol is a legal 
drug with all the problems it causes. Making more drugs legal and cheap 
will create a whole new set of problems.


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