Pubdate: Tue, 1 May 2001 Source: Union, The (CA) Copyright: 2001 Nevada County Publishing, Inc. Contact: Website: Author: Debra Rodriguez ADDICTION IS TREATABLE Many in this community have no idea the amount of drug activity that exists in this county. The reality is that drugs are very much alive and well in Nevada County. Many of our youth and young adults, along with their families, are entrenched in this evil. I would venture to say that 95 percent of crimes committed are by individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol. (That includes marijuana, for those who think it is a harmless herb). Public awareness, education of the facts and places to get treatment are necessary. Locking people away in a prison system, rampant with drugs, where there is no treatment, no counseling, no jobs, no self worth, further compounds the devastation and problem. I do understand that with addiction, the person needs to reach their bottom and realize that a problem exists before treatment can be effective. However, placing them in mandatory drug education and treatment is necessary. Planting those first seeds of information, exposing the denial that a problem exists, is the starting point. Do we quit treating cancer if the first treatment is ineffective, or the cancer recurs? The answer is no. I am not saying that there is no need for locked facilities or prisons. What I am saying is that there are better ways to solve the problem of drug abuse in this country. Both in prison and out of prison, change needs to happen to better serve our country and our community. We need more options and a change in the system. Parents need to know how and where to get early drug intervention. Idle time in our jails and prisons should be utilized with mandatory classes, groups and work. Incentives need to be given to encourage treatment. I believe that there should be testing on all arrests and mandatory drug treatment for all illegal usage or criminal activity while under the influence. The disease of addiction affects all walks of life, and treatment should be available and utilize to combat its effects. In the end, our communities will benefit and crime will decrease. Debra Rodriguez, Grass Valley - --- MAP posted-by: Doc-Hawk