Pubdate: Wed, 02 May 2001
Source: San Antonio Express-News (TX)
Copyright: 2001 San Antonio Express-News
Author: Maro Robbins


The federal cases against several local law officers are on track toward 
potentially quick resolutions, with trial dates and plea-agreement 
deadlines set for later this month and early next.

U.S. District Judge Edward C. Prado has scheduled for trial all but one of 
the cases that resulted from the recent roundup of 10 officers accused of 

While the judge's orders issued last week set timelines for four officers 
and a civilian, Prado has not yet scheduled a court date for the 
investigation centerpiece — a conspiracy case against six police officers 
and a sergeant's uncle.

In all, one officer faces a theft charge and the rest are accused of 
accepting payments to protect cocaine shipments.

The FBI says an undercover agent posed as a narcotics trafficker and staged 
phony drug deals.

Prado, in addition to trial dates, also created deadlines for plea 
agreements, all of which will elapse two weeks before jury selection.

But whether any of the cases go forward as scheduled or are postponed, as 
commonly occurs, remains to be seen.

Defense lawyer Raymond Fuchs said he may well need to request a delay so he 
can sort through some 40 cassettes of covertly recorded telephone 
conversations, the bulk of the government's evidence against his client, 
San Antonio Police Officer Alfred Valdes.

Despite the uncertainty, lawyers on both sides said they are taking Prado's 
dates seriously.

For San Antonio Police Officers Valdes and David Anthony Morales, as well 
as Bexar County Sheriff's Deputy Richard "Bucky" Buchanan, the plea 
deadline comes less than two weeks away, on May 15.

Trials for the three officers are slated to start simultaneously on May 29, 
leading lawyers to believe the respective juries would be picked the same 
day while the proceedings would be staggered.

A week later, on June 4, Prado would start the trial for Gilbert Andrade 
Jr., a former Bexar County reserve deputy constable.

The following week would focus on the civilian charged separately, Albert Mata.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart