Pubdate: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 Source: Burlington Free Press (VT) Copyright: 2001 Burlington Free Press Contact: Details: Author: Dr. Robert J. Melamede OH, THE IRONY I could only laugh at the irony of `Senate removes obstacles for breast-feeding moms .' Would the Senate have supported breast feeding if they knew that the endogenous cannabinoid (internally produced marijuana-like compound) anadamide is found in high concentrations in mother's milk where it relaxes the newborn baby and gives it the munchies? If this marijuana-like activity is inhibited, as has been proposed as treatment for `marijuana addicts', newborn animals fail to nurse and die. What message does it send the children when our governor and legislators support the `Got Milk' program? Perhaps milk should be made illegal like marijuana or maybe farmers should be required to produce milk free of cannabis activity. But, law enforcement would have difficulty determining who was producing legal and illegal milk just as they claim would be the case if THC-free hemp were grown in Vermont. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe