Pubdate: Mon, 07 May 2001
Source: Dear Ann (US)
Copyright: 2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
Note: this Ann Landers column Pub'd in Dallas Morning News 5/7/2001  Ann Landers, Donnie R. Marshall
Note: Donnie R. Marshall is DEA Administrator
Bookmark: (Ecstasy clippings)


DEA Official Says Danger For Kids At 'Raves' Is Great

Dear Ann Landers: As the administrator of the Drug Enforcement 
Administration (DEA) and the parent of three teenagers, I am extremely 
concerned about the problem of Ecstasy and the lookalike killer drug PMA. 
Many of your readers are also parents who are not familiar with the "rave" 
scene where these drugs are readily available to their children.

"Raves" are parties set up in 'various venues by promoters - in warehouses, 
fields, stadiums or 'clubs. They are frequently advertised as alcohol-free 
events, giving parents a false sense of security. Promoters hire security 
guards so that parties will appear safe, but they instruct the guards to 
look the other way when they encounter drug use.

In many cases, Ecstasy and other drugs are sold at raves for $25-$40 a 
pill, generating a huge profit for the manufacturers who make these pills 
for under 50 cents apiece.  Ecstasy is. called the "hug drug" because it 
lowers users' inhibitions and makes them crave physical contact and visual 
stimulation.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse has determined that the 
drug can cause permanent changes in the brain's chemistry. Ecstasy use 
causes severe dehydration and can raise users' body temperatures to as high 
as 108 degrees. Some unscrupulous promoters, looking to sell bottled water 
at exorbitant prices, have turned off water supplies at rave venues, 
exacerbating the dangers for our children. Promoters have been known to 
leave overdosing kids in alleyways outside their premises.

Many kids believe Ecstasy is harmless, but its use has resulted in 
thousands of overdoses and several deaths. Parents should look for the 
warning signs of Ecstasy use - strange paraphernalia including pacifiers, 
Vicks VapoRub, surgical masks and glowsticks. And kids who attend these 
raves should know that the hallucinogen PMA is being passed off as Ecstasy. 
This drug is marketed under brand names such as "Death" and "Mitsubishi 
Double Stack." Last year, three kids died in Chicago from PMA ingestion, 
and there have been seven deaths in central Florida attributed to PMA.

There is lots of misinformation about Ecstasy out there, particularly on 
the Internet, and some of it gives the mistaken impression that Ecstasy is 
harmless and even beneficial. I implore parents to become better educated 
about the dangers of Ecstasy and PMA, and ask them to warn their children 
about the real nature of the rave scene.

Donnie R. Marshall, Administrator, DEA, U.S. Department of Justice

Dear Mr. Marshall: You have written a letter that could save many young 
lives and spare countless parents from a great deal of anguish.

Parents should be aware that there are a tremendous number of substances 
available to young people today, and educating yourselves about the dangers 
is the best way to protect your children. .

If you have a problem and need advice, write to Ann Landers at P.O. Box 
11562, Chicago, IL 60611-0562.
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