Pubdate: Sat, 12 May 2001
Source: Salon (US Web)
Copyright: 2001 Salon
Author:  Katharine Mieszkowski
Bookmark: (McCaffrey, Barry)
Bookmark: (Treatment)


The former drug czar goes dot-com with an Internet company that 
charges $1,200 for online drug treatment.

What's a former federal drug czar to do for his next act? It's not as 
if there are a whole lot of "czar" job listings floating around on these days.

How about joining a dot-com that plans to charge drug addicts and 
alcoholics $1,200 for a 12-week group treatment program over the Web?

That's the premise of a San Jose Internet company with the 
unfortunate name eGetgoing, which Gen. Barry McCaffrey is lending his 
name and contacts to as a consultant. Now that McCaffrey has left the 
public-sector side of the war on drugs, he has taken up with a 
company that views heavy drinkers and drug addicts as a tantalizing 
target market of millions.

With the profit motive now on his side, treating addicts as an 
audience to capture instead of criminals to prosecute seems to suit 
McCaffrey: "EGetgoing will be a historic contribution to reducing 
drug and alcohol abuse in America," he crowed in a press statement. 
"EGetgoing's new Internet-based delivery mechanism will dramatically 
increase the likelihood that multiple millions of compulsive drug and 
alcohol users will find help." And so on.

As an advisor to the company, McCaffrey has been making TV 
appearances to promote it on local news affiliates, like the Bay Area 
Fox channel. He has introduced eGetgoing's corporate officers around 
Washington. He has even circulated a funding solicitation on his new 
consulting firm's letterhead to potential investors. "When you have 
the highest federal officer in the nation committing to a company 
like eGetgoing in its infancy," marvels CEO Barry Karlin, "it has 
given us a credibility which would have taken several years to try to 
build up. It gives us access to all kinds of people. That was 
obviously a real coup for us."

Some drug policy reformers don't quite see it that way. They're 
having a good laugh e-mailing the funding documents to each other. 
Mark Greer, a longtime critic of McCaffrey's policies who is 
executive director of, wrote in an e-mail with the 
subject line "McCzar Hits Bottom :)," "If McCzar is actually 
affiliated with this loser of an idea, they must either have more 
money than sense and have paid him dearly for his involvement or 
perhaps they have convinced him that it could be a real dot-com 
winner and to partner with them on promises of future riches."

Kevin Zeese, president of Common Sense for Drug Policy, says he has 
heard two reactions to McCaffrey's new gig among his fellow drug 
policy wonks: "It's a rip-off, and it's an Internet company that's 
likely to fail. You can look on the Web and find free Narcotics 
Anonymous in any city in the country. Come on, anyone who invests in 
this is making a mistake."

EGetgoing's Karlin says that the service isn't out to replace the 
free support that Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous 
provide. Instead the company will provide licensed counselors to lead 
group treatment sessions akin to the therapy you'd pay for at an 
outpatient drug treatment center. Of course, you'll never actually 
meet your therapist or see any of the other patients, because the 
whole thing will take place over videoconferencing software and 
voice-over IP.

The bumper sticker possibilities are endless: "Don't shoot up, dial 
up." "Need to light up? Log on!" Could the mighty Internet do what 
the federal government with all its tens of billions of dollars can't 
- -- provide drug users with access to treatment instead of just 
locking them up, or has someone been smoking too much free-market 
rhetoric laced with Net euphoria circa 1998?

McCaffrey's journey from the Hill to a 30-person dot-com in San Jose 
began when one of his Office of National Drug Control Policy senior 
staffers quit to join eGetgoing last year. Judi Kosterman was a key 
member of McCaffrey's staff as the director of the National Center 
for the Advancement of Prevention when she left to become eGetgoing's 
vice president of business relations.

Those inside-the-Beltway connections could pay off if eGetgoing 
becomes a provider of treatment programs that substitute for prison 
sentences. Last year in California, for example, voters passed 
Proposition 36, which diverts nonviolent drug offenders into 
court-supervised treatment instead of prison. Whether states will 
accept drug treatment over a modem is still unclear, but knowing the 
policymakers will be key for eGetgoing.

Karlin is also CEO of C.R.C. Health Corp., which owns 29 residential 
and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment centers around the country. 
He plans to merge the two companies and then take the new entity 
public next year. Has the Internet meltdown dimmed his optimism? Not 
at all. "There was a shakedown of Internet companies that shouldn't 
have been public in the first place," he says. "The companies that 
have a compelling solution are going to make a lot of money, and we 
of course hope to be one of them." The company raised $4 million last 
year, and is currently trying to close a $5 million round of 
financing. Karlin boasts that the company will have 70 percent gross 
profit margins.

McCaffrey's move to corporate America isn't so unusual; there's a 
tradition of former federal drug officials cashing in when they leave 
office. But the usual path from the public to private sector leads 
straight to the urinal: Drug-testing consulting businesses that work 
with corporations to keep employees clean have been the greener 
pastures of choice.

"It's amazing how these people who work in the drug war field end up 
profiting from it later," says Zeese. "Carleton Turner, Reagan's top 
drug advisor, he went on to become a drug-testing consultant. And Bob 
DuPont, the former head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one 
of the lead drug warriors in the Ford and Carter years, he went on to 
become a drug-testing and security consultant for private companies 
on drug use in the workplace. He teamed up with Peter Bensinger, 
former head of the DEA."

Compared with advising companies on how to get their office workers 
to pee in a cup, working for a for-profit dot-com drug treatment 
company seems downright progressive. And Zeese admits that the choice 
isn't entirely out of character for McCaffrey, based on his work in 
office: "He actually had a lot of rhetoric that was pretty good from 
a treatment perspective. 'We've got to treat it like a health 
problem. We can't arrest our way out of the problem.' But he couldn't 
make it happen in Congress without increasing the law enforcement 
budgets. And as a result, the treatment was primarily coerced 

Eric Sterling, president of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, 
who helped write the statute that created the office of drug czar, 
says: "It's in character with his rhetoric. I don't think it was in 
character with the actual budgets. He spoke fairly consistently about 
the need for an increase in treatment, but the other parts of the 
federal drug budget grew faster than the treatment portion."

The irony is that even in a best-case scenario, whatever online 
treatment services eGetgoing can offer drug addicts can't compare 
with what McCaffrey could have done had he had the political will and 
clout while in office.

For example, Sterling points out that in 1997 McCaffrey publicly 
challenged the Department of Defense over what he considered its 
inadequate commitment to the war on drugs, but he never made a 
similar challenge to the Department of Health and Human Services. 
"During the time that he was the drug czar, on the order of 
two-thirds of the hardcore drug addicts that needed treatment, 
according to the data in his annual reports to the nation, couldn't 
get it. We're talking about 3 million people per year unable to get 
treatment. The fraction of the gigantic HHS budget that could have 
been increased to adequately fund drug treatment was infinitesimal."

 From a treatment perspective, the picture does not seem likely to get 
much brighter under the new administration. On Thursday, President 
Bush announced the nomination of John Walters as the new director of 
the Office of Drug Control Policy.

Of Walters, McCaffrey's likely successor, Sterling has this to say: 
"He thinks that not enough people are being prosecuted. He thinks 
that drug sentences are not long enough. He thinks that expanding the 
role of the military overseas is a good thing. He thinks that it 
makes sense to try to control the supply overseas."

Zeese sums it up: "The current drug czar that's being nominated today 
actually makes McCaffrey look like a softie. Everyone Bush is 
appointing is about as hawkish as you can imagine."

Which points to what may be the even greater irony: Perhaps we should 
all be rooting for McCaffrey's Internet treatment scheme, given the 
way the current administration's drug policy is shaping up.

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon Technology
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