Pubdate: Tue, 15 May 2001
Source: Repository, The
Copyright: 2001 The Repository
Author: Valerie Stephens


Regarding the May 6 column by Amy Peikoff, "Mandatory rehab is an oxymoron" 
: Although I agree with her that we do possess a will that can be very 
coercing when we decide to kick a certain habit, when we are doing 
something illegal, sometimes what we need is a good confrontation with reality.

In the case of Robert Downey Jr., I believe that, although he did end up 
having to go to prison for his failure to show at a court hearing and for 
his repeat offenses for illegal drug possession, he continues to repeat the 
same mistakes.

I feel that oftentimes we need a good dose of discipline to leave us at 
rock bottom. For some, a slap on the wrist or, in Downey's case, a 
three-year prison sentence, merely does not work. If Downey were any 
drug-addicted person off the streets, he would have faced much more 
derision from the justice system. But then again, he is famous, talented 
and can probably post his bail with a little more insouciance that most.

What it boils down to is that Robert Downey Jr. was found on various 
occasions to be guilty of a crime, albeit a nonviolent crime, nonetheless a 
crime all the same. When you have done something illegal, you have, in a 
sense, bartered your argument that the government cannot infringe upon your 
own pursuit of happiness should your deed or deeds be found out, and should 
you be tried and convicted.

Now, for first-time offenders, leniency may be more encouraged. However, 
when you are repetitive in your illegal actions, perhaps a little tough 
love is necessary.

Valerie Stephens
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