Pubdate: Tue, 22 May 2001
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2001, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Rachel Evans
Bookmark: (Marijuana)


Chances are the server at your local coffee shop isn't going to be 
asking you, "Would you like a joint with that?" the next time you 
order a latte.

But it could happen, someday. Word that Justice Minister Anne 
McLellan favours a national debate on decriminalizing marijuana 
possession had a manager at a local hemp store speculating recently 
that Edmonton liquor stores and coffee shops could someday be selling 
the stuff.

Not a bad idea, said a server at an Old Strathcona coffee shop yesterday.

"I think that would be fine. It's a very relaxed atmosphere," she 
said, asking not to be identified. She likes to partake of the weed 
herself now and again - although not on the job.

Jordan of Eastgate Liquor Store said he thinks branching out into the 
ganja market might alienate the shop's older clientele.

"More than likely they'd have to open up separate shops (to sell 
marijuana)," he said. "I'm pro-legalization. It's just safer. You 
don't have to worry about people getting bad stuff. "(It would be) 
the same (message) as a liquor store: Don't smoke and drive."

Benjamin Currie of True North Hemp Company on Whyte Avenue, who mused 
recently about the possibility of grass going retail in Canada, said 
he's not holding his breath until the stuff comes out from under the 
Criminal Code. But he's hopeful.

"If it ever did (get legalized) I think conceivably in a few years we 
would be able to get a licence," he said.

"And in a perfect society we'd have the right to grow it and use it 
as medicine, which should be our right."
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