Pubdate: Wed, 23 May 2001
Source: Post-Courier (New Guinea)
Copyright: 2001, Post-Courier
Author: Neva Taudili


I WAS glad when I read the article on page 4 of the Post-Courier (May 
7) titled "Two sisters jailed in Alotau".

It was extremely shocking to learn that these two sisters were put 
behind bars for trafficking marijuana into Alotau.

I wondered why these women had to travel all the way from the 
Highlands to my peaceful Milne Bay to sell these illegal drugs.

Why can't they sell it in their home town?

Unfortunately, these girls suffered great misfortune early in their business.

Thanks to the loyal police officers for apprehending these smugglers.

But it was very pathetic to know that a fellow police officer, 
identified as a brother, was accommodating the drug-traffickers.

I suggest he should also be put behind bars.

I appeal to the legal officers in Alotau town to uphold the law and 
eradicate unlawful practices.

They must look at alternative ways to deal with smugglers of drugs as 
well as the users as these people are likely to cause disharmony and 
disturb the peace in Alotau town.

Neva Taudili
Port Moresby
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe