Pubdate: Wed, 23 May 2001 Source: Duncan News Leader (CN BC) Copyright: 2001 Duncan News Leader Contact: Details: Author: Steven Addison CHARGES DROPPED AGAINST RELIGIOUS DRUG USER Charges were dropped against the Duncan man who claims to use marijuana for religious reasons because the officer who found the dope failed to follow due process. Judge Anthony Palmer decided Friday a small amount of marijuana seized from James Dure at a CounterAttack road block Aug. 16, 2000 could not be used as evidence in court because it was obtained unlawfully. "Mr. Dure was afforded absolutely none of his basic rights," ruled Palmer. Const Shawn Dinsdale of North Cowichan/ Duncan RCMP stopped Dure in the early evening when he detected the odour of marijuana. A search of a gym bag in the car turned up pot. The problem, according to Palmer, is that Const. Dinsdale never advised Dure he was under investigation for drug possession or that he was being detained. The constable did not obtain a search warrant, tell Dure he had the right to remain silent and contact a lawyer, and did not tell Dure he was not obliged to hand over the gym bag. The decision left Crown counsel Michael Coleman with no admissible evidence and the charges were dropped. Dure is a member of the Vancouver Island Compassion Club and uses pot for medical reasons. He also believes it is his religious right, and claims he can use drugs because scripture proves Jesus and Moses did too. - --- MAP posted-by: Andrew