Pubdate: Thu, 24 May 2001
Source: Register-Guard, The (OR)
Copyright: 2001 The Register-Guard
Author: Judy Nathan
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


Mark J. Barrow (letters, May 19) asks: "Does anyone in the universe besides 
the U.S. Supreme Court care if somebody smokes weed." The answer is yes. I, 
along with a lot of other people, believe that pot is dangerous to a 
person's health, possibly leading to stronger drugs, and gives mixed 
messages to our youths.

Long-term mental and physical health issues arise especially when the 
smoker decides pot is not enough anymore. The medicinal benefits of pot, if 
any, are available via prescription. Drug use creates nonproductive 
individuals wanting to lie around all day with the illusion that they are 
thinking or being creative. When they run out, they are destructive and 
cranky. Pot for medicinal purposes is a ploy to get a foot in the door for 
future legalization (i.e. decriminalization).

The most important issue of all is the mixed message we give our youths, 
that pot must be OK because adults want to decriminalize it. Where's our 
accountability as adults. It's the adults who are growing it in huge 
quantities. It's the adults who are selling it to youths who are reselling 
it to other youths. It's also the adults who push to decriminalize it. The 
adults are the problem; the youths are the result.

Nor do I believe that aggressive marijuana use is a victimless crime. 
Families, businesses and neighborhoods are deeply affected by it.

Judy Nathan
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