Pubdate: Sat, 26 May 2001
Source: Tampa Tribune (FL)
Copyright: 2001, The Tribune Co.
Section: Florida / Metro Page 3
Author:   David Sommer, of The Tampa Tribune


CLEARWATER - A hung jury in a hard-fought trial over a marijuana
charge has prompted prosecutors to drop the matter.

Jesse Prince, a prominent critic of the Church of Scientology, will
not be retried on a misdemeanor charge of having a marijuana plant
growing in his back yard.

"I felt like enough of this office's time and expense had been put
into the case," said Assistant State Attorney Lydia Wardell, who
prosecuted Prince.

Wardell said State Attorney Bernie McCabe approved dismissing the

Jurors deliberated more than five hours Thursday before announcing
they could not reach a verdict, and Pinellas County Judge Michael
Andrews declared a mistrial.

Afterward, two jurors said it was clear Prince did have a marijuana
plant in his back yard, but they said Scientology's involvement made
them wonder whether he had been set up.

An undercover Largo police officer made the arrest in August after
being tipped off by a private detective hired by Scientology.

The private detective acknowledged on the witness stand he was hired
to befriend Prince and get into his home. The detective also
repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right against
self-incrimination when asked about his own marijuana use.

Mike Rinder, a member of Scientology's board of directors, said the
church hired detectives to investigate Prince because he has given
what the group calls false testimony in a number of court cases.

Prince is a former high-ranking Scientology official. He is expected
to testify against the group at an upcoming civil trial over liability
in the 1995 death of member Lisa McPherson.

"If I were the state attorney, I would have [dropped the charge
against Prince], too. He's got murderers down there" to deal with,
Rinder said. "I don't think Bernie McCabe has the time and resources
to keep going after someone for marijuana possession. He'll get him
next time." 
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