Pubdate: Sun, 27 May 2001
Source: Times of India, The (India)
Copyright: Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. 2001


AIZAWL: The United States has provided Mizoram with equipment worth 
Rs 29.65 lakh to combat the menace of drug trafficking from the 
infamous Golden Triangle via Myanmar.

The equipment, including three cars, three jeeps, three motorcycles, 
four digital cameras, four computers and ten radio handsets were 
handed over to the Mizoram excise department by the US Consul General 
Christopher J Sandrolini on May 17 in Kolkata, assistant commissioner 
of the state department L Hmunsanga said here on Saturday.

The equipment was given by the US government through the Union 
Ministry of Finance, he added.

Chief of US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in India Robert Bruce Barns 
and Regional Narcotics and Crime Officer Sabra Thorton were present 
when the letter of agreement was signed, he said.

Last year, US officials, including special agents from DEA visited 
Mizoram and praised the state excise department's achievements in 
fighting narcotic trafficking, he said.

Mizoram has a 404 kilometre-long international border with Myanmar 
through which narcotics like heroin, opium and amphetamines from the 
Golden Triangle are smuggled.

A number of illegal drug manufacturing laboratories also operate in 
Myanmar near the Mizoram border, the official said.

The US officials said their government was ready to render any kind 
of assistance to dedicated drug enforcement agencies in India.
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MAP posted-by: Josh Sutcliffe