Pubdate: Sun, 03 Jun 2001
Source: Sunday Telegraph, The (Australia)
Copyright: 2001 News Limited


Every second person arrested by police in Australia is under the influence 
of marijuana, Federal Government figures show.The findings came from a 
comprehensive testing program of prisoners at police stations across the 
country, Justice Minister Chris Ellison said.

"The testing, for the first time, provides the criminal justice system with 
quality data on the drugs-crime link," Senator Ellison said.

The figures, to be released this week by the Australian Institute of 
Criminology, show 37 per cent of detainees have sold illegal drugs in their 
past and a quarter were under the influence of opiates.

Another quarter tested positive for amphetamines, indicating that multiple 
drug use is still widely popular.

Researchers have been offering the voluntary test to people in watchhouses 
around the country.

As a result of the success of the testing, Senator Ellison announced $1.8 
million in funding to continue it for another two years.
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