Pubdate: Sat, 06 Apr 2002
Source: Toronto Star (CN ON)
Copyright: 2002 The Toronto Star
Author: Canadian Press
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Record Wiped Clean for Teen Who Was Suspended Due to Drug Dog's Suspicions

OTTAWA (CP) -- A local high school that suspended a 15-year-old student 
after a police dog smelled marijuana on his jacket has apologized and wiped 
his record clean.

Chris Laurin was suspended after an impromptu drug search at his school 
March 26. A police dog identified the scent of marijuana on his jacket, and 
the Grade 10 student at St. Matthew high school in suburban Orleans was 
suspended for two days -- even though police didn't find any drugs and the 
vice-principal admitted she couldn't smell it.

"The school board did make a mistake in suspending me before; they have 
corrected that mistake," said Laurin. "I feel it was a sincere apology, and 
I've been justified. And I've paved the way for other students to fight 
back if they're wrongly punished."

Laurin and his father, Michel, protested the suspension and hired a lawyer.

After Laurin filed an appeal last week, the Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School 
Board agreed to remove the suspension from his record on Wednesday.

In a private meeting Friday, school principal Andre Potvin apologized for 
the suspension.

Laurin's lawyer, Lawrence Greenspon, said the school went too far and the 
suspension clearly outlines how students' rights are regularly ignored by 

"This case skirted around the main issue of students' rights and lockdowns 
in schools," said Greenspon.

"The infringement of students' rights is a serious issue, but people 
support it because of a misguided notion that it increases safety. It 
doesn't. It decreases students' faith in the system."

Laurin's father said he's happy with how the situation ended, and hopes his 
son has learned to stand up for his rights.

"I'm hopeful it made Christopher stronger," he said. "It was a subject that 
needed to be brought up. Hopefully this will never happen again."
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