Pubdate: Fri, 25 Oct 2002
Source: Independent  (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Ian Burrell, Home Affairs Correspondent


Prison officers blamed overcrowding for an eight-hour riot at Lincoln jail 
which left 27 prisoners and three staff injured.

It took 300 police officers from three forces to help restore order at the 
jail yesterday morning after inmates went on the rampage. An investigation 
into the trouble has already begun.

Duncan Keys, assistant secretary of the Prison Officers' Association, said: 
"Historically we would look at previous incidents such as Strangeways, 
where chronic overcrowding contributed to a major riot there.

"We need more staff in there. Prison officers do a dangerous job in society 
and they should be increased."

But Martin Narey, the director general of the Prison Service, said: "I 
don't believe overcrowding is the cause and it is certainly not a 
justification for this."

The trigger for the violence occurred on Wednesday night when an inmate 
attacked a guard in the prison's A wing. He stole keys and released 150 
other prisoners, who smashed windows and started fires.

Some rioters were taken to hospital suffering from suspected drugs 
overdoses, having raided the prison's pharmacy. Two remain seriously ill.

A prison officers' leader warned that inmates and staff would die if 
further jail rioting took place during a proposed strike by fire fighters.