Pubdate: Wed, 10 Apr 2002
Source: Talon Marks (CA Edu)
Copyright: 2002 Ca Edu: Talon Marks
Author: Sylvia Duran


Sometimes the government creates its own problems by creating laws that are
impossible to enforce. By legalizing some of the existing illegitimate
business such as prostitution, gambling and the sale and consumption of
Marijuana, the government can lower crime rates and make money at the same

You'd think that the government, motivated by greed, would have already
taken advantage of these money-making opportunities.

Prostitution is one of the oldest professions known to mankind. I think it
should be legal on designated areas, be monitored by the government, and
employees should be of legal age. This will put pimps out of business and
cease the exploitation of women and men and young boys and girls.

Besides, if women have the right to kill their unborn child, they should
also have the right to sell their bodies if they choose to. As for the
customers, they should know the risks associated with sleeping with whores.

Marijuana has not been proven to cause death or serious damage in people.
Deadly cigarettes, far more damaging than joints, are legal and available to
young kids.

The only ones that benefit from the prohibition of the substance are the
drug dealers and cartels. If it was legalized the community would benefit
from the taxes imposed on the product. Drug dealers will lose millions of
dollars in sales.

Gambling could also bring in revenues to the community. Gamblers know the
risks associated with the game. It they feel foolish, I mean lucky, enough
to put their homes and life savings on the line, they should have the right
to. Meanwhile, their loss will be our gain as the government taxes the
money. Soon, you'll be kissing those irritating street potholes good bye and
saying hello to brand new city parks located in inconvenient sections of
your city.

I am sure that my propositions will offend somebody. Too bad, I don't care.
But remember, if you don't agree, don't participate. Nobody is forcing
anybody to smoke pot, rent a whore, or gamble. Your morals should keep you

"Why should we be forced to live in an immoral society that allows
prostitution, gambling, and the sale of marijuana run rampant," someone will
surely screech. Sorry to break the news to you, but it is impossible to live
in a perfect society and these vices will always be around whether they're
illegal or not.