Pubdate: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 Source: Dispatch, The (NC) Copyright: 2001, The Lexington Dispatch Contact: Details: Author: William Smith LURE OF EASY MONEY Editor: Editor: I am writing in response to all the recent news articles concerning those unfortunate deputies. I read the news on a Web site called the "Media Awareness Project" (MAP). This site is updated at real time, with real news articles, placing it right on the front line of the drug war. The drug business, unlike the drug war, does not discriminate. Anyone can join, cops and kids alike. Just like prohibition of alcohol before it, drug prohibition creates its own crime. Through our desire for moral purity, we are destroying all that is good. No one is perfect, but you would think some were, with the decade of prison time we are now imposing. Despite our good intentions, and all of our money spent, this war has made things even worse. It would be different if our children were actually prevented from drugs, but that's just not the case. And jailing half a million non-violent Americans so far, although helping to elect politicians, has not changed anything at all. Perhaps we need a new plan, or new planners. Legalization, although not as popular as repression, would eliminate this crime, and perhaps the underage usage as well. William Smith Columbia, Tenn. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth