Pubdate: Thu, 03 Jan 2002
Source: Beckley Register-Herald (WV)
Copyright: 2002 The Register-Herald
Author: The Rev David Robinson


In reference to the cartoon of bin Laden hiding in East Beckley with drug 
dealers, an apology needs to be presented to the people of East Beckley and 
Beckley. To relate terrorism with the citizens of Beckley is wrong. There 
are drug dealers in every section of Beckley, Raleigh County and West Virginia.

There are also adulters, liars, sexual immorality, extortionists, 
prostitutes, racists, seperatists, traitors, drunkards and idolaters. They 
wear suits, uniforms, hats, hoods, dresses, priestly garments, jeans and 

If you are going to be equal why not include them all? Whether their skin 
is light, dark, brown or pale. Whether their race is American, African, 
European or Asian.

We wonder why people are leaving this state. They grow drugs in this state 
and county. Doctors are illegally distributing drugs, policemen and 
politicians are covering up drugs in this state. It's all evil.

It's one thing to not know how to help, and it's another to be a hypocrite. 
Evil is hiding everywhere. Just take a good look around you. God is the 
only one who should judge everyone.

The Rev. David Robinson

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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager