Pubdate: Sat, 05 Jan 2002
Source: Beckley Register-Herald (WV)
Section: Our Readers Speak
Copyright: 2002 The Register-Herald
Author: Charles Diggs

Plan To Rid Spirit Of Bin Laden

In the name of Jesus, I'm writing this letter. Someone asked where was bin 
Laden (spirit of the devil). They say hiding with drug dealers in East 
Beckley. Now everyone is upset.

I was reading the letter written by the Rev. David Robinson, and God put 
something down in my young spirit. He said, "Charles, bin Laden is in East 

This is my community. I don't live in Maxwell Hill, Sophia, Shady Spring or 
Daniels. We see drug dealers every day here, serving terror to our family 
members. I used to buy drugs in the same spot where these kids are now 
standing. But now I'm washed in the blood, set free and delivered.

How long will we allow the devil to oppress, depress and stress our 
children? These children sell drugs in between 27 churches in the East 
Beckley community.

God told me that our community has a form of godliness, but no power. It's 
time to take a stand.

God gave me a plan to get rid of the spirit of bin Laden. When you ride by 
the East Beckley area, blow your horn and roll down your window and shout 
"hallelujah," because when praises go up, blessings come down.

If anybody needs an apology, it's my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because 
churches in our community have not come together to help get rid of the 
spirit of bin Laden. If you're afraid to blow your horn, just remember our 
God does not give us the spirit of fear.

My late mother, Juanita Diggs, taught me a song when I was a small child: 
"If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands." I say if you really 
know Jesus, honk your horn and shout "hallelujah." Because only what you do 
for Christ will last.

If we don't confess Jesus Christ before men, He will not confess us in 
front of His Father.

Charles Diggs

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MAP posted-by: Beth