Pubdate: Mon, 28 Jan 2002
Source: American Prospect, The (US)
Issue: Volume 13, Issue 2
Section: Book Reviews
Address: 5 Broad Street, Boston, MA 02109
Contact:  2002 The American Prospect, Inc.
Author: Emily Parsons


Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do about It: A Judicial 
Indictment of the War on Drugs
By Judge James P. Gray. Temple University Press, 272 pages, $19.95

One day about eight years ago, Judge James P. Gray held a press conference 
on the steps of the Santa Ana courthouse where he served and still serves 
as a California superior-court trial judge. He spoke out that day against 
U.S. drug policy, referring to the war on drugs as "our biggest failure" 
and calling for the legalization of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Many in 
his community, from the sheriff ("What was this guy smoking?") to the 
deputy district attorney ("Did he seem to be in his right mind?") expressed 
outrage. Some questioned the judge's integrity, and Gray conceded that his 
speaking out would probably keep him from being considered for future 
judicial appointments. But he had seen too much; he felt compelled to take 
a stand.

And his war on the war on drugs continues: The judge has now issued a 
"judicial indictment" in Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do 
about It. Gray, a Republican, allies himself with other conservatives, such 
as William F. Buckley, Jr., and former Secretary of State George P. Shultz, 
who have called for a wider debate on America's antidrug policies. And he 
quotes letters written by nearly two dozen other judges who he says have 
"seen firsthand that we [are] wasting unimaginable amounts of our tax 
dollars, increasing crime and despair, and severely and unnecessarily 
harming people's lives by our failed drug polic[ies]."

Those policies, writes Gray, are a "program of massive prisons, 
demonization of drug users, and prohibition of debate about our options." 
Making drugs illegal, he argues, amounts to an attempt "to repeal the law 
of supply and demand," an impossible task. The prohibition raises the price 
of the goods, and with so much money to be made, peasants abroad grow poppy 
or coca because it is their most profitable crop; dealers risk their lives 
to sell drugs for huge profits; and prisons are built to house more criminals.

And prison construction and inmate upkeep turn out to be big business, too. 
Citing California's experience, Gray notes that longer sentences and 
skyrocketing construction rates combine to mean higher costs to the 
taxpayer. He recalls a startling moment that occurred after one of his 
An accountant in the audience told me that he had penciled out the figures 
I gave on prison expansion. His arithmetic revealed that if the rate of 
imprisonment of the past twenty years were to continue, by the year 2020 
literally everyone in California would be either in prison or running one. 
And California ranks only twelfth nationally in prison incarceration rates.

Gray also decries the way that antidrug efforts have led to an erosion of 
civil liberties and due process over the last 30 years. For example, 
asset-forfeiture laws allow police to confiscate property or money from 
criminals in order to obstruct further criminal activity. But in practice, 
80 percent of people whose assets are taken by the authorities aren't 
charged with a crime. Most of the $590 million seized in California between 
1986 and 1993 came from citizens who, according to Gray, were "never 
intended by Congress to be the subjects of these actions." He tells the 
story of a couple who lost their home because their grandson was caught on 
the premises with marijuana and cocaine. A judge told them: "You are 
probably only guilty of being too tolerant of a criminal grandson." Asset 
forfeiture also creates a stream of unchecked income for law enforcement. 
Gray cites alarming cases of "secret bank accounts," cars seized for 
personal use, and even diverted funds that were used to settle a 
sexual-harassment suit against police detectives. "The fact remains," 
writes Gray, "that large amounts of cash inevitably corrupt."

In the second half of the book, Gray takes on the harder question: What to 
do about it? Moderating his stance from arguments that he's made in public, 
Gray does not call explicitly for drug legalization. He notes that a change 
in the drug laws could have unexpected consequences, including an increase 
in drug use. But he sees no hope in "zero tolerance" approaches. He argues 
that "there are numbers of distinct and very workable options to the 
extremes of zero tolerance on the one hand and drug legalization on the 
other." And a potential increase in drug use, he says, "would be more than 
counterbalanced by the enormous benefits we would see in health, crime 
reduction, tax savings, and international goodwill" if drug policies were 

Engaging in a wider debate about drug laws, Gray writes, "does not mean 
that we condone drug use or abuse." He recognizes the need to confront drug 
abuse as a health problem and a social ill. Rehabilitation programs are an 
obvious need; Gray also discusses drug maintenance (allowing addicts a 
monitored drug intake that neither gets them high nor forces them to suffer 
withdrawal) and controlled distribution (in which government-regulated 
drugs are sold like a bottle of bourbon). And he maintains that any U.S. 
drug policy needs to include "a major educational component."

What would a government-regulated market for marijuana, cocaine, and heroin 
look like? Judge Gray suggests that generically packaged drugs could be 
sold by pharmacists, with a steep tax that would fund rehabilitation 
programs and drug education. In Holland, where drugs are decriminalized, 
the use of hard drugs fell significantly between 1979 and 1994, according 
to Gray. His point is that "it is much easier to control, regulate, and 
police a legal market than an illegal one.

In the short term, no one knows just which policies will work best. Why not 
consider getting the federal government out of drug policy and let states 
make their own laws? "All of our federal agencies are addicted to the 
funding provided by the War on Drugs, and they do not want to give up that 
money," Gray says. "I have learned over twenty years of experience that 
although the War on Drugs makes for good politics, it makes for terrible 
government. The War on Drugs is about a lot of things, but only rarely is 
it really about drugs."

W ith the current war on terrorism, the politics surrounding drug 
enforcement have become more complicated. Many U.S. officials are arguing 
to step up the war on both fronts. "Drugs and terrorism go hand in hand," a 
former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official said recently. 
"Anyone who uses drugs is absolutely funding terrorists, enabling them to 
carry out horrific crimes against innocent and defenseless human beings." 
The National Family Partnership held its annual antidrug event in October 
with the theme "Saying NO to drugs is saying NO to terrorism."

But if one accepts the economic argument of Gray and others that the best 
way to destroy the drug rackets is to remove the huge profit incentives, 
the link between the two wars doesn't hold. Also, legitimate questions can 
be raised about the cost of maintaining both efforts. The federal 
government spends $19.2 billion a year fighting drugs. It shouldn't be a 
hard sell that some of that money might be better spent fighting terrorist 
networks directly. Certainly, Gray is right in suggesting it could be 
better spent in drug rehabilitation programs than in the never-ending drive 
for interdiction.

This fall, the Justice Department instructed the DEA to investigate 
physicians practicing euthanasia in Oregon and clinics that provide 
marijuana to AIDS and cancer patients in California; both practices were 
approved in state ballots. Abandoning what Gray calls the 
"one-size-fits-all approach" to drug policy would mean allowing drug laws 
to vary from state to state. "It is clear after all these many years that 
our federal government does not have the right answers," writes Gray. "It 
is time for other, more local governments to retake command."
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