Pubdate: Wed, 16 Jan 2002
Source: Essex Evening Gazette (UK)
Copyright: 2002 This Is Essex
Cited: Legalise Cannabis Alliance
Author:  Martin Buxton
Note: Contact website handles several newspapers; specify Essex Evening 
Gazette as source in letters.
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
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A 60-year-old candidate for the up-coming Braintree Council by-election has 
called for Dutch-style cannabis cafes to be created in Braintree.

Don Barnard, who is standing for the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, said a 
more tolerant view of cannabis possession and minor cannabis offences would 
give police more time to deal with more serious crimes.

He feels the building of coffee shops, such as those in Amsterdam, would 
provide a safe place for people to use cannabis.

Mr Barnard, of Aetheric Road, Braintree, said: "We should stop arresting 
people for possession of drugs, which would save a lot of police time and 

"We could then use this money to build places for people to go, where they 
can use them off the streets."

But a police spokesman said: "Essex Police will continue to uphold the law 
as passed by Parliament."

The other candidates in the Braintree West election, which takes place on 
Thursday, January 31, did not agree with the idea of coffee shops.

Matthew Buchan, Independent, said: "I think it's a disgusting idea. I can't 
speak for the people but I don't know anyone I've spoken to in the area who 
would agree with it apart from one or two of the young people."

Roger Walters, Conservative, said: "Having been in countries where they 
have such cafes I can't see it adding to the sort of culture we need to be 
encouraging in Braintree."

A spokesman on behalf of Labour candidate Graham Darwood said: "The 
council's job is to keep young people out of trouble with the police, not 
to get them in trouble.

"Legalisation of cannabis is an issue for the Government not local councils."

Terry Brooks, Liberal Democrat, said: "It's a national issue not a local 
issue. The district council can't alter anything of that sort."

Duncan Stewart, of the Green Party, said: "Personally I am not happy about 
this sort of cafe being opened in Braintree. I am concerned it could be 
encouraging more people to take up the use of drugs."

The by-election was called after Labour councillor Christopher Bacon 
resigned his Braintree West seat when his job in Singapore became permanent.
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