Pubdate: Sat, 19 Jan 2002
Source: Dallas Morning News (TX)
Copyright: 2002 The Dallas Morning News
Author:  Tim Wyatt, The Dallas Morning News
Bookmark: (Corruption)


DALLAS -- Dallas County District Attorney Bill Hill this morning said he 
has asked the FBI to investigate a series of drug busts made by Dallas 
police that involved fake drugs.

Mr. Hill said he made the decision to request FBI assistance because the 
Drug Enforcement Administration announced Thursday that the agency would 
not conduct a criminal investigation into the Police Department's handling 
of the cases. The DEA said it would only look into police policies and 

The FBI typically handles cases involving allegations of public corruption.

"These cases have raised questions in the mind of the public that reflect 
not just on police procedures, but on the integrity of the entire criminal 
justice system. It is essential to have an independent agency involved so 
the results of the investigation will restore public trust," Mr. Hill said.

"Let me emphasize that this is in no way intended to be a reflection on the 
Dallas Police Department or any individual officers," he said. "In fact, it 
is important to all concerned, including the officers, that this 
investigation be conducted in a way that will produce results quickly, fair 
to all concerned and results that are credible to the public.

"This is best achieved by the involvement of a credible outside agency," 
Mr. Hill said.

The district attorney's office is working to dismiss at least 59 drug 
cases, some involving two Dallas police undercover narcotics officers, who 
are on administrative leave, and at least one paid confidential informant.

Thirty-nine people had been arrested as a result of the 59 cases, and at 
least three remain in custody. Several others have been deported.
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