Pubdate: Thu, 23 May 2002
Source: Camden Herald, The (ME)
Copyright: The Camden Herald 2002


ROCKLAND - Knox County Sheriff Daniel Davey said Monday that he is not in a 
position to send an officer to the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, and 
despite advice from the district attorney's office plans to move forward 
with a Knox County drug unit and a multi-department drug task force.

Davey held a press conference Monday afternoon at the sheriff's office in 
Rockland that was attended by most county police chiefs and District 
Attorney Geoffrey Rushlau.

Rushlau and Rockland Police Chief Alfred Ockenfels argued that the best way 
to deal with the drug problem in the county is to send an officer to the 
Maine Drug Enforcement Agency where the officer will receive training in 
drug investigations. Also present was Rockland Police Detective Sgt. Jim 
Pease, who worked with the MDEA, and has worked on drug busts in Rockland.

Rushlau said not all drug cases can be prosecuted and said there would be 
problems if the drug unit's investigations regularly come up short. He said 
MDEA cases are good cases that can be prosecuted.

"We're not going to try to make something out of nothing," Rushlau said.

Davey argued that he wants to deal with the drug problem now, instead of 
waiting for an officer to receive training thought MDEA. He said that in 
the last summer and fall, sheriff's department detectives investigated drug 
offenses that led to arrests and convictions.

In addition, Davey invited Waldo Sheriff's Department Jason Trundy to the 
meeting, who explained that Waldo's department has formed its own drug unit 
instead of sending an officer to MDEA. Waldo's drug unit recently made a 
drug bust where it seized a half-kilogram of cocaine and about 1,700 bags 
of heroin.

"Other counties have drug teams," Davey said. "I'd like to see that happen 
in Knox County. Is this something we should be doing, or is the sheriff all 

The sheriff said he was hoping he could have a commitment from the other 
police chiefs. Ockenfels said that as long as the district attorney is 
willing to take those cases, he is willing to work with the county task force.

As part of the task force, police departments are providing each other with 
information and pooling resources to work on the county drug problem.

Rockport Police Chief Mark Kelley said police need to talk to the 
legislature about increasing funding for the MDEA. Due to underfunding, the 
agency relies on police departments sending officers to MDEA. Police at the 
meeting felt the agency needs to me more of a priority.

The sheriff noted that in dealing with the drug problem, the county would 
also be dealing with many other crimes that are related to drug use, 
including burglary and robbery.
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