Pubdate: Thu, 06 Jun 2002
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2002 Los Angeles Times
Author: Kenneth Reich
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)
Note: You will need to register to read the full story at the LA Times.


Fast - Protesters Oppose Federal Seizure Of West Hollywood Facility That
Supplied Medical Marijuana.

Five supporters of the sale of marijuana for medical purposes at a West
Hollywood building launched an "open-ended hunger strike and encampment"
Wednesday against federal authorities who last week filed a forfeiture
action against the property.

They will be joined each day by a number of sympathizers who will fast for
24 hours, said Scott Imler, executive director of the Los Angeles Cannabis
Resources Center. The center, at 7494 Santa Monica Blvd., was shut down in
October when federal agents seized files, plants and other assets.

Under the forfeiture action filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Los
Angeles, the federal government said the 1996 state ballot proposition that
allows the sale of marijuana for medical purposes is invalidated by federal
prohibitions on the use of controlled substances. A federal jury will decide
whether the government can seize the $780,000 property where marijuana was
grown and distributed. The strike and encampment will take place in a
parking lot across the street from the main property, which is also owned by
the Cannabis Resources Center.

The city of West Hollywood authorized a loan of $350,000 in redevelopment
funds to the center, which would not be repaid in the event of government

Mary Lucey, one of those on hunger strike, said she and the others will
consume only water, juice and perhaps a little milk so they can take their
regular AIDS medication. She said the strike will last until the federal
action is dropped.

Protesters said they may file a civil action against the government for
allegedly violating their civil rights, as well as for wrongful death should
any of those on hunger strike die.

Imler, Lucey, Myron Willis and others who spoke at a news conference
Wednesday said the federal government is violating states' rights by
challenging laws in California and other states that use marijuana as a
medical treatment.

A copy of the federal complaint said more than 1,000 marijuana plants were
seized from the property, as well as other plants in Ventura County.
Financial records indicated as much as $20,000 a week in marijuana was being
sold by the nonprofit center.

Many of those buying marijuana suffer from AIDS. They say marijuana reduces
the side effects of AIDS medicines.

The government has not yet brought a direct action to invalidate
California's Proposition 215, which was approved by voters.

Protesters said Wednesday that last week's forfeiture was intended by the
government to harass marijuana supporters without risking a definitive
setback in court.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles said he was not
prepared to discuss the government's strategy. He referred inquiries to
officials in Washington, D.C., who were not immediately available for
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